Profile: Craft

SBC Warrior

Blue Phantom ChroniclesCapital Ship - Dreadnought

The Warrior-class Supreme Battlecruiser is a dreadnought, originally in service to the United Planets. Proposed by Briceran Overlord and UPA President Jarris Vaylon as the new flagship of the United Planets' navy - a symbol of their mutual allegiance and resolve - this 5km behemoth emulates the firepower and combat capabilities of an entire fleet.

Along with an extensive complement of medium and heavy weapon emplacements, the SBC is equiped with a bow-mounted heavy fusion cannon, powerful enough to severely damage or even destroy other capital ships. With this devastating weapon the dreadnought introduces a new generation of warfare, especially since this new primary weapon drastically increases a ship's firing range thus giving it a significant edge in battle.



1 G1 Fusion Cannon

24 super-heavy plasma batteries

180 heavy turrets

220 medium DIP turrets

15 point defense turrets

The SBC is the first ship to be equipped with a first generation Fusion Cannon, which upon pre-firing stage shoots a focused particle beam at the target to locally weaken and pierce through its shields and armor, before firing its primary charge of compressed plasma which upon impact detonates releasing the energy equivalent of a small thermonuclear warhead. Along with this primary weapon, the SBC Warrior carries a large number of offensive and defensive weapons, speciffically:

SBC Warrior

Basic Info

Name: SBC Warrior

Manufacturer: Shicon Dynamics & Brigona Naval Shipyards

Dimensions: 5,000 x 2,950 x 899 meters


v2.0 Model in Progress


Remake in Progress

Author Information

Original Design: Vince T

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T



Dev notes & Origins

Despite its enormous size the Warrior continues to follow the angular deisng language that can be found anywhere from starfighter to battlecruiser. A long main hull with a hexagonal or octagonal crossection growing wider towards the back and mounting into a pair of wide wings before ending in an elongated stern  and engine section with two pairs of secondary engines mounted ontop and below the wings and another two pairs towards the wingtips.

From the end of the first distinct section a brim trench runs all the way towards the wings, widening to a wide cavity which hosts the dreadnought's hangars and external docking bays.

The bridge and officers quarters are located in a relatively slim tower located ontop between the wings.

Dev notes & Origins

The Warrior's design has undergone numerous revisions. The next one was inspired by and as such similar to the Phoenix-class Battlecruiser.

  • The first design was heavily inspired by an Executor-class Dreadnought. A few years ago I picked up on that old design which I'd merge with another SSD-type ship idea to create the Inquisitor-class Battlecruiser.
  • The aforementioned cavity within the brim trench is a modification I've decided to make as part of the ship's HD remake. It was inspired in parts but not only by the trench cavity of the First Order's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer from the new Star Wars trilogy.
  • A later design idea would ultimately end up as the Phoenix-class Cruiser.
  • The ship's final design shares a common origin with the Ascension-class Battlecruiser and the Principal-class Freighter, which were all derived from an early concept going by the name Renegade-class Cruiser.

History & Involvement

The SBC Warrior was designed and commissionied roughly a year after the foundation of the United Planets and the establishing of the Supreme Circle. Entering service in late 2530 it was deployed as a surprise weapon against the invading Dhilani forces, delivering the Empire two defeats before, under the command of new UPMF Supreme Commander Vince Trageton, taking the fight to Dhilani in a swift and deadly retaliatory strike against their homeworld.

While shortly under the direct control of the vengeful Briceran Overlord and UPA president Jarris Vaylon, the SBC Warrior would become subject of dispute and, after Vaylon's death would proceed to disobey high command orders alltogether under the now totalitarian regime of the new UPA chairman Phlic Aelhoc. Regrouping beyond Aelhoc's reach the Warrior would serve as a mobile homebase for a growing resistance against the corrupt new UPA leader.

Following the 2-year campaign against Aelhoc the Warrior would remain under Trageton's command and leave UPA territory to found a nation of their own - The Phoenix Systems Alliance.

The Warrior met its end during the Battle for the Adminis System, where it was badly damaged by the self-destruct explosion of the SBS Hera. The explosion utterly vaporized the Warrior's bow and caused severe structural ruptures across its midship section. With the battle heading to a close, PSA Supreme Commander Vince Trageton decided to evacuate the ship and transfer command to the new PSA flagship, SBS Traquia.

However this was not the last time for this unique design to be seen, as the reformed United Planets would eventually build a second SBC to serve as their flagship, naming it the Paladin. The Paladin and its battlegroup would, however, soon switch sides towards the Phoenix Systems Alliance and aid them in aiding a coup to annect the withering United Planets.

HD Remake

A HD-Remake of the old XWA model, based on texture details and various other ideas. For this one I have quite some revamping and reimagining in mind....

First and foremost I was kinda unhappy with the way the 'side trenches' looked, since they were somewhat repetitive and didn't really reflect the ship's enormous size. I eventually ended up extending some of the trenches and creating a sort-of open space inbetween the upper and lower halfs of the ship - slightly inspired by the Resurgent-class Star Destroyers from the new Star Wars Trilogy.

 I would also remove the lower hangar and moved it to a recessed spot amid this deck. As it turned out, the space was exactly the right size to feature the full size hangar model, that's been released as a replacement hangar for quite some time.

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