Profile: Craft (Complete)

Space Colony 2

XWA Upgrade


The Space Colonies are large installations located in deep space. Built in various shapes and sizes they offer shelter for thousands of civilians.

The Space Colony 2 was the first of the Space Colonies I created for the XWA Upgrade Project.


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HD Remake

I've wanted to make a remake of this station for a long time now, for numerous reasons - issues with my prior upgrade that utterly screamed "You can do better than that!".

First: It is too small! Now hold it there, yeah it's pretty huge already, still if you compare the interior of the hangar complex to ships like say the Lambda shuttle, you'll realize just how cramped it is. With the current version I had to remove the access tunnels' hitboxes so the shuttle wouldn't crash into them - a game-breaking issue in one particular story mission.

Second: Looking back at it, I noticed various parts were lacking the Star Wars-ish look-and-feel. Which is why I decided to give the model itself a complete overhaul.

Coming back to this a few years later I've gone back on some of my ideas for the remake. Firstly, I won't change its size, in fact, I'll make sure its size and shape are back in line with the original model. I did notice that the hangar entrances in my first attempt were actually smaller than in the original For the new version I intend to make them accordingly larger and try to make use of new hook features to have ships like the Shuttle close their S-Foils when in and around the station. That way I hopefully won't have to drastically oversize the tunnels.

Space Colony 2

Basic Info

Name: Space Colony 2

Theme: XWA Upgrade

Type: Space StationSpace Colony (?)

Manufacturer: Golan Arms

Used by:



Dimensions: 951 x 951 x 1,940 meters

Shield Strength:  SBD

Hull Rating:  RU

Top Speed: 

Accel / Decel: 


Hyperdrive: No


v1.1 Released

Feb 21, 2022

Remake in Progress

Author Information

Original Design: LucasArts & Totally Games

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T


"Hornet" Artillery variant

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