help: Starship classification

Starship classification


Interceptors & Short Range Fighters are small, fast and agile short-range starfighters designed for quick intervention or combat in situation where speed and agility is required rather than firepower. Carrier-based these lightweight ships are intended for local deployment, and thus usually have no hyperdrive or shield generator installed for the sake of reducing size and putting a maximum emphasis in speed.

Superiority & Long Range Fighters are larger and slower than Interceptors but therefore more powerful and versatile. Designed as independent combat units they are equipped with hyperdrives and shield generators, suitable for intense combat as well as long range deployment without the immediate need of carrier support. Superiority fighters are alround fighters, finding a perfect balance between firepower, shield strength and engine performance.

Bombers & Gunboats are heavily armed and the most powerful among starfighters. Usually slow and powerful they aim for long distance combat, and, If under attack, be able to absorb punishment thanks to strong shields. Bombers engage targets with warheads or EMP bombs, while Gunships are equipped with large caliber weapons. While many of these crafts have integrated hyperdrives, there are a few carrier based models who have this feature ommitted for the sake of a larger payload.

Transports & Freighters

Shuttles and Skiffs are small transport ships, primarily designed for personnel transport, both short and long range. With only light weaponry they rely on fighter escort through hostile environments and are mostly designed to outrun any pursuers.

Gunships & Yachts can greatly vary in size. Measuring from 30 meters up to a hundred meters these transports carry a crew of 4 or more and are well equipped for long range voyages. Varying in armarment and speed medium transports' roles vary between comfortable yachts and powerful gunships

Armed Freights and Corvettes bridge the gap between transports and capital ships. Depending on configuration they may vary in size from less than 100 meters to several hundred and their crew size varies accordingly from 5 to 50. Armod freighters are employed in a multitude of tasks from freight transport to even convoy escort.

Capital Ships

Frigates are designed mainly as patrol and escort vessels. Measuring from 200m to up to about 600 meters frigates are designed mainly as patrol and escort vessels. Equipped with mostly light and medium caliber weaponry they specialize on fighting numerous smaller targets like star fighters. Their speed allows them to either race to another ship's defense or, in an offensive role, prevent their targets from escaping. Deployed in groups frigates can also provide an effective screen to distract or even overwhelm larger capital ships.

Destroyers and Monitors are medium-sized vessels designed for offensive combat against other capital ships, carrying different types of heavy weapon emplacements and powerful engines. This comes at the cost of relatively light armor, weaker shields and only rudimentary defensive weaponry destroyers usually rely on a starfighter escort or are deployed in packs to execute hit-and-run attacks.

Cruisers are large capital ships, measuring from 800 to 2000 meters and designed to hold their ground against other capital ships and whatever comes. Carrying a large amount of weapons of varying caliber they are constructed for power and endurance in direct combat with other capital ships.

Carriers act as mobile bases for starfighters and bombers. Not designed for ship-to-ship combat they carry moderate anti-fighter weaponry while keeping their distance and relying on their escort vessels for protection. While designated as "medium" capital ships, their sizes may vary from half a kilometer to almost 2 km

Battlecruisers are larger than normal cruisers and carry mostly heavy weapons for long range ship to ship combat, relying on their thick armor and strong shields to hold their ground, while their own frigates and fighter screens keep them clear of any immediate threats.

Dreadnoughts are true giants, dwarfing anything around them and dominating the battlefield by mere sheer presence. Several miles in length these behemoths carry the heaviest armor, the strongest shields and the most powerful weaponry of all, they are the undisputed champions. While their defenses create an impenetrable barrier for any small craft attacking them, their heavy weaponrs, often augmented by a small number of powerful primary weapon systems make short work of other capital ships.

Space Stations

Outposts are comparatively small installations, measuring a few hundred meters, placed in uncharted or wild territory to establish a foothold, equipped with defensive weaponry and usually protected by a local fighter screen or a small flotilla.

Colonies are large installations housing large numbers of civilians. While equipped with moderate docking facilities to accommodate a number of ships, starship transit is not their main objective. They are usually unarmed and rely on regional police or security forces.

Stardocks and Trade Hubs are large installations capable of supporting a multitude of ships at the same time. To achive this they have extensive hangar and docking facilities as well as commercial and recreation sectors. They posess light defensive armament and are usually patrolled by a private police force or security contractors.

Battlestations are massive installations constructed near planets or critical objectives. Equipped with capital weaponry and their own fighter complement they are the stationary equivalents of battlecruisers.

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