Profile: Craft

Space Colony 3

XWA UpgradeSpace Station - Space Colony

The Space Colonies are large installations located in deep space. Built in various shapes and sizes they offer shelter for thousands of civilians.

The Space Colony 3 was the second Station I crated for the XWA Upgrade Project. For gameplay and compability reasons I have roughly doubled the station's size from the original model in order to allow size-corrected ships like the upgraded Shuttle to pass throgugh the hangar. It also creates a better feeling of scale and allows you to do some nice flythroughs.


HD Remake

After some backk and forth I've decided to make a HD remake for this one as well. This won't be a ground-up redesign tho, just making the whole thing a bit rounder and pronouncing some geometry that had previously only been hinted at by the textures.

Space Colony 3

Basic Info

Name: Space Colony 3

Manufacturer: Golan Arms

Dimensions: 752 x 752 x 1,470 meters


v1.1 Released

Feb 21, 2022

Remake in Progress

Author Information

Original Design: LucasArts & Totally Games

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T


Dev notes

One thing, tho I do plan on redesigning, which is the hangar section. Diring the time of its creation, there was no possibility for custom hangar maps and as such I ddiN't even consider making anything like that. As a result, the hangar of this already small station is rather tiny and, with its narrow access tunnels, pretty convoluted. My idea here is to make the whole thing way more open and spacey. One idea here is to get rid of the singular hangar openings alltogether and make it a wide open flightdeck-style area.

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