Profile: Craft

Immobilizer 418-class Light Cruiser

XWA UpgradeCapital Ship - Star Destroyer

Nothing to see here just yet. I've started working from the original model created by Flavid and added more details, making the globes rounder and such. I'll post some proper previews once the time has come.


Custom hangar

I have created and released a placeholder hangar, which is basically the old VSD hangar, combined with some external assets like the Interdictor's trademark Gravity Domes.

Immobilizer 418-class Light Cruiser

Basic Info

Name: Immobilizer 418-class Light Cruiser

Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

Dimensions: 597 x 294 x 55 meters


v2.0 Model in Progress

Winter 2024/25

Author Information

Original Design: Lucasfilm Ltd

Based off original Model: Flavid

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T

Hangar Map: Ual002, Ace Antilles, Vince T


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