Profile: Craft

Imperial-class Star Destroyer

XWA UpgradeCapital Ship - Star Destroyer

The iconic Imperial Star Destroyer, the pride of the Imperial Navy, was introduced as Imperator-class, just shortly before the end of the Clone Wars.



This model comes with several object profiles and skins

  • Default/ANH: with turrets based off the ILM studio model
  • RogueOne: with Rogue One-style turrets 
  • TESB: ISD with its sensor array folded down.
  • Chimaera: with all ISD2-style turrets, includes Chimaera skin
  • Tector: with all ISD2-style turrets and the hangar closed, no reactor bulb.
  • Final Order (skin only)

This model also has dynamic engines: Engine glow textures emit light and illuminate the surrounding geometry. The engine will also turn off, if the ship is disabled. Lastly the booster engine glows are actually tied to the ship's throttle and speed and they will only light up if the ship is at max throttle and top speed.

Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Basic Info

Name: Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Dimensions: 1,600 x 900 x 425 meters


v2.0 Released

May 4, 2023

Author Information

Original Design: Lucasfilm Ltd

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T

Hangar Map: Ual002, Ace Antilles, Vince T


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