Profile: Craft (Complete)

Deep Space Manufacturing Facility

XWA Upgrade


eThe Deep Space Manufacturing Facility, otherwise known as the X7 Factory or X-7 factory station, was a spaceborne manufacturing plant of standardized design produced by both Kost & Ko Factories and the Telgorn Corporation. 

Because of its versatility, the X7 Factory was used for many different manufacturing processes. It was often used in the production of goods requiring microgravity in order to achieve high purity, such as specialized crystals or biotech products. Other uses included starfighter assembly and weapons fabrication.[source?] Crew quarters and labs topped the station's central spire, from which emanated four modules for storage and additional lab space.

Source: Wookieepedia


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Dev notes

This is actually the third attempt of creating the Factory, as prior attempts halted prematurely with the creators going AWOL. Third time's a charm, isn't it?

This version is inspired by both the original vanilla model as well as some fanmade HD models that have popped on the net. Additionally I tried to recapture the look and feel of the Factory the way it first appeared in the original TIE Fighter Cutscenes, with a greebly city-like structure on the inside of those big cargo pods.

The cargo pods have several hangars to launch and receive ships, spread across two of the cargo pods. The larger shuttle hangar is covered by a blastdoor which will open as friendly ships approach. Additionally hangars to launch and land are color-coded as was done with my XQ-Platforms.

In addition to the regular 4-pod variant, there is a dual version, a version only with connectors and a completely bare version available as predefined profiles. If you are handy with editing ini files, this modular design allows you to a multitude of possible configurations, if you so choose I just limited myself to the aforementioned variants.

Deep Space Manufacturing Facility

Basic Info

Name: Deep Space Manufacturing Facility

Theme: XWA Upgrade

Type: Space StationManufacturing Facility (?)

Manufacturer: Telgorn Corp.

Used by: Various

Crew: Variable


Dimensions: 271 x 349 x 388 meters

Shield Strength: 1920 SBD

Hull Rating: 1520 RU

Top Speed: n/a

Accel / Decel: n/a

Maneuverability: n/a

Hyperdrive: No


v1.0 Released

July 12, 2024

Author Information

Original Design: LucasArts & Totally Games

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T


"Hornet" Artillery variant

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