Profile: Craft (Complete)

Venator-class Star Destroyer

Episode III


The Venator-Class Star Destroyer, also known as Republic Attack Cruiser, was constructed by Kuat Drive Yards in the course of the Clone Wars. It was the first starship in the Grand Army of the Republic that was not designed as a cargo- or troop transporter but in fact as a ship-to-ship combat vessel. 

Its massive aggressive looking armoured hull can take extensive beatings, while its countless weapon emplacements are capable to punch through strong shields and thick armour without much effort.

The forward half of the cruiser is basically one huge launch bay carrying countless ships from starfighters to assault gunships, which can be released almost simultaneously with the opening of the two massive blast gates on the ship's upper hull.


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More details to follow

Venator-class Star Destroyer

Basic Info

Name: Venator-class Star Destroyer

Theme: Episode III

Type: Capital ShipCarrier / Star Destroyer (?)

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards

Used by: Galactic Republic

Crew: 7,400, Troops: 2,000


Dimensions: 1,137 x 580 x 241 meters

Shield Strength: 3808 SBD

Hull Rating: 1904 RU

Top Speed: 20 MGLT

Accel / Decel: 8 / 9 MGLT/s

Maneuverability: 5 DPF

Hyperdrive: Yes


v1.3 Released

August 22, 2021

Author Information

Original Design: LucasFilm Ltd.

Model & Textures: Vince T

Add. Textures: Matt

OPTing: Vince T

Hangar Map: Ace Antilles, Vince T


"Hornet" Artillery variant

A note on skins

In previous versions, the Open Circle variant was the default option, with the generic republic or imperial versions being provided as FG colors. With version 1.3 I have made the unmarked version the default option and added any markings as separate skins. This reduces the filesize and also opens up several possibilities to mix and match, e.g. by combining weathered and Rebel Alliance skins.

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