Profile: Craft (Complete)

FX-60 Triton-class Support Ship

Blue Phantom Chronicles


The FY-60 Triton-class is a heavy armed Freighter designed to haul and protect high profile cargo and military equipment. 

While not designed for offensive combat its nevertheless impressive arsenal of defensive turrets allow it to stand its ground against even the most tenacious raiders.

Additionally, a ventral hangar not only allows for easy cargo transfer but also has enough room for a quartet of escort fighters.

Finally, modular thruster packs can be added to give the ship an additional speed boost to quickly get out of dangerous situations.


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8 medium dual turrets

FX-60 Triton-class Support Ship

Basic Info

Name: FX-60 Triton-class Support Ship

Theme: Blue Phantom Chronicles

Type: TransportFreighter (?)

Manufacturer: Shicon Dynamics

Used by: Briceran Royal Navy

Crew: 600, 450 Troops


Dimensions: 505 x 258 x 55 meters

Shield Strength: 1680 SBD

Hull Rating: 850 RU

Top Speed: 28 MGLT

Accel / Decel: 5 / 9 MGLT/s

Maneuverability: 5 DPF

Hyperdrive: Yes


v1.0 Model in Progress


Author Information

Original Design: Vince T

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T



"Hornet" Artillery variant

Dev notes & Origins

The model was pretty much a by-product of me messing about with the design for the Intrepid-class Frigate.

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