Profile: Craft (Complete)

Normandy SR2



This is the Normandy SR2, the famed Frigate commanded by Commander Shepard in Bioware's Mass Effect 2(tm).

Mass Effect 2 ingame Codex Entry:

With elaborate secrecy, Cerberus labored for years to build a new, superior Normandy. The vehicle's many alterations required a craft nearly double the original size, requiring an even larger Tantalus drive core to compensate.

The new Normandy features greater space in living quarters, research laboratory, observation deck, and cargo bay. Its shuttle can attempt to make landings the Normandy cannot attempt. In addition to tightbeam communications, Normandy's Quantium Entanglement Communicator (QEC) provides an instantaneous contact with the Illusive Man. The Enhanced Defense functions, assisting and even supplanting human piloting. (...)


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2 heavy laser cannons

2 Warhead Launchers

Normandy SR2

Basic Info

Name: Normandy SR2

Theme: Standalone

Type: TransportFrigate (?)

Manufacturer: Cerberus

Used by: Cerberus, Systams Alliance

Crew: 20, Passengers: 12


Dimensions: 266 x 124 x 42 meters

Shield Strength: 670 SBD

Hull Rating: 630 RU

Top Speed: 84 MGLT

Accel / Decel: 6 / 8 MGLT/s

Maneuverability: 42 DPF

Hyperdrive: Yes


v1.1 Released

May 05, 2020

Author Information

Original Design by Bioware Corp.

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T


"Hornet" Artillery variant

Dev notes

While the original Normandy SR2 is classified as a frigate, I have changed its ship type to transport for the XWA conversion in order for the forward cannons to operate properly rather than acting like turrets.

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