The massive Sinicyan Matriarch Carrier is as much a flagship as it is a carrier, serving within the Sinicyan Matriarchy. Measuring almost 2 kilometers it is one of the largest ships of its category. Its voluminous hull can hold up to 8 squadrons of starfighters and other ships along with support staff, suplies and equipment.
Two large prongs that form the ship's bow provide cover for launching ships as well as the carrier itself, lined with a multitude of point defense cannons and flak batteries. In addition a set of heavy long range batteries surrounding the ship's rear section provide additional protection to the command modules and detract enemy capital ships from getting in too close.
28 heavy quad laser turrets
9 medium dual ion cannon Turrets
42 point defense cannons
Name: Matriarch-class Battlecruiser
Theme: Blue Phantom Chronicles
Type: Capital Ship - Carrier (?)
Manufacturer: Sinix Shipyards
Used by: Sinicyan Matriarcy
Crew: 12,800, Troops: 4,800
Dimensions: 1,850 x 704 x 267 meters
Shield Strength: 8500 SBD
Hull Rating: 6800 RU
Top Speed: 15 MGLT
Accel / Decel: 4 / 9 MGLT/s
Maneuverability: 5 DPF
Hyperdrive: Yes
v1.0 Model in Progress
Original Design: Vince T
Model & Textures: Vince T
OPTing: Vince T
Dev notes & Origins
A part of the Matriarch's design was derived from a discarded concept for a Dhilani mothership.