Profile: Craft

XQ-6 Platform

XWA UpgradeSpace Station - Space Platform

The XQ-Platforms are large space stsations usually used as Outposts by both the Empire and the Rebel Alliance. The XQ-6 Platform is a modified version of the PLT/3, extra hangar bays and crew compartments have been added to accommodate increased activity.


Custom hangar

The platform includes a custom hangar OPT. Thanks to Ace Antilles this hangar has 3 different Setups depending on the station's IFF in custom missions: Rebel, Imperial, Neutral.

XQ-6 Platform

Basic Info

Name: XQ-6 Platform

Manufacturer: Telgorn Corp

Dimensions: meters


v1.1 Released

June 23, 2022

Author Information

Original Design: LucasArts & Totally Games

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T

Hangar Map: Ace Antilles


Dev notes

I've come across an interesting design for the PLT6 a while ago, where the platforms would feature an additional outdoor landing bay or cargo pad. Trying it out for myself I really liked the look and decided to adopt this design. From the way it's set up it could yet be hidden using profiles to cover the pit.

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