Profile: Craft

XQ-2 Platform

XWA UpgradeSpace Station - Space Platform

The XQ-Platforms are large space stsations usually used as Outposts by both the Empire and the Rebel Alliance. The XQ-2 Platform is a typical space dock, found within most of the inner sphere of the Empire.


Custom hangar

The platform includes a custom hangar OPT. Thanks to Ace Antilles this hangar has 3 different Setups depending on the station's IFF in custom missions: Rebel, Imperial, Neutral.

XQ-2 Platform

Basic Info

Name: XQ-2 Platform

Manufacturer: Bengel Shipbuildiers

Dimensions: meters


v1.2 Released

June 23, 2022

Author Information

Original Design: LucasArts & Totally Games

Model: The Saxman, Vince T

Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T

Hangar Map: Ace Antilles


Dev notes

The base for this model was originally created by Saxman and sent to me in the early 2000's. 15 Years later I've picked it up an made some redesigns to bridge the gap between his model, which represents the station as it's seen on the cover of one of the X-Wing novels, and the version in vanilla XWA. It retains the very round module ontop but I've adjusted the overall proportions to match the model of the vanilla game.

The model comes with 4 flightgroup colors, Blue, Gold, Red and Green. I have swapped the default red and blue to match the FG color of the vanilla model.

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