Profile: Craft

Sovereign-class Battlecruiser

StandaloneCapital Ship - Battlecruiser

The Sovereign is the first of a new class of heavy ESS battlecruisers. Different from the  more carrier-focused Dominance-class, the Sovereign's main purpose was shifted to a pure combat-oriented battlecruiser taking the role of the offensive backbone within its battlegroup.

 The enormous ventral hangar and docking bay, which had made up a large portion of its predecessor’s bow section, has been closed up and reduced to a pair of functional hangar bays along the ship's ventral center line, to make space for additional armoring and weapon emplacments. Additionally the Sovereign has further been equipped with a pair of fusion cannons, which provide the ship with a substantial increase of firepower and effective combat range. These, combined with its array of Omega beam cannons make the Sovereign a serious threat to any capital ship attempting a head-on assault on the battlecruiser, while engine upgrades systems and additional armoring to the propulsion section add additional maneuverability and protection to vital systems.

 The Sovereign entered service five years after shortly after the ESS' acquisition of their eastern colonies yet would not see combat until two years later at the Battle of Calim VI, where it battled a rogue ESS fleet in one of the largest multi-faction battles the galaxy had ever seen.



620 heavy turbolasers

320 medium dual turbolasers

4 Omega beam arrays

2 Fusion Cannons

180 Ion Cannons

54 tractor beam projectors

Sovereign-class Battlecruiser

Basic Info

Name: Sovereign-class Battlecruiser

Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards, Mithary Capital Yards

Dimensions: 13,300 x 5,160 x 1,000 meters


v2.0 Model in Progress


Remake in Progress

Author Information

Original Design: Vince T

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T



Not the Sovereign you're looking for

I'm currently deliberating whether or not I should change the name of this ship to avoid confusion with the similarly named Sovereign-class Dreadnought, created by Drakken, IIRC. (see pic on the right). I always like my ships distinct and identifiable and, in all honesty, wonder what I was thinking when I came up with the name in the first place :D

HD Remake

For the Sovereign's revision I plan more detail to the wide flat spaces and trenches as well as the superstructure on top and the engine section.

Other than that, I was sort of unhappy with how uninspired the hangar bay(s) turned out. Surely I can do better than that....

I'm also thinking about correcting the, for some reason, upward facing angle of the side trenches. But since that will totally mess with a lot of the ship, it's way down on my list.

Thoughts on a name change

This vessel has long been known as Sovereign-class Battlecruiser. I'm deliberating on whether or not to to change the name to avoid confusion with the equally named Dreadnought, known from Star Wars Legends depictions. "Inquisitor-class" would be a candidate, which however was already assigned. to a different Battlecruiser design of mine. Since that one, however is still in progress and as such not yet established, I might change that one to Purifier-class. The Dominance, meanwhile remains as is.

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