Profile: Craft

Dhilani Nemesis

Blue Phantom ChroniclesStarfighter - Interceptor

The Dhilani Swarm Fighter is a small and fast attack ship in service to the Dhilani Space armada. Deployed in large swarms these fighters are intended to literally overrun enemy forces. Over time the ship has been nicknamed 'Nemesis' by pilots from opposing factions, a name given the ship for being one of the greatest threats due to its size, speed and sheer numbers.

Along with the default version, there have been rare sightings of an advanced version, carrying additional weapon emplacements and improvements to speed an maneuverability. It is believed that this advanced model is reserved to some kind of elite forces. 



2 heavy laser cannons

Dhilani Nemesis

Basic Info

Name: Dhilani Nemesis

Manufacturer: Charnali Shipyards

Dimensions: 7.9 x 3.8 x 1.2 meters


v1.1 Completed


Awaiting Re-Release

Author Information

Original Design: Vince T

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T



Dev notes & Origins

The Nemesis started off as a non-Dhilani Fighter, instead used by the Briceran Royal Forces. Its first design had a pair of barrel-like engines very similar to those of an A-Wing. It wasn't until much later that it became its very own design.

I originally created two fighters, the Nemesis and the Vampire, the latter being a sort-of elite version of the former, with a greater weapons loadout, shields and a hyperdrive. Released sometime in 2003 there was no other way than to have two separate ships.  For the Re-release I will merge the two together and make use of mesh and stats profiles to make two distinct variants..

I am also considering to make a HD remake, which however is way down my priority list. Such a remake might also include a cockpit OPT, a basic model for which I have laying around since maybe 2004. One other thing I'm considering for all Dhilani ships is to move away from those leathery/scaley looking hull textures and instead go for something that still looks alien but does make sense as a starship hull. After all the Dhilani are anything but mindless primitive brutes and their ship design should reflact that.

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