Profile: Craft

ATR-6 Assault Transport

XWA UpgradeTransport - Armed Transport

The ATR-6 Assault Transport is a heavy troop transport, used mainly by the Galactic Empire. Equipped with 2 laser and Ion cannons, warhead launchers and 4 turrets it is a much more capable vessel than the Empire's standard Stormtrooper Transport, used for attacking heavily defended targets and forced boarding operations.


ATR-6 Assault Transport

Basic Info

Name: ATR-6 Assault Transport


Dimensions: meters


v2.3 Released

November 26, 2021

Remake considered

Author Information

Original Design: LucasArts, Totally Games

Model: Vince T (prototype by MJT, Wraith1)

Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T


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