Profile: Craft

Deep Space Outpost

StandaloneSpace Station -

This medium sized modular space station is commonly used all across the galaxy by both military as well as corporations or civilian factions. Modular in design and cheap to manufacture it can serve a multitude of purposes.

Two dedicated hangars as well as a large hangar and storage bay offer ample space and support capacities for starfighters, transports and even small freighers.

Moderately armed it can also serve as  a guard station in unsecured secors.



7 medium dual laser turrets

Deep Space Outpost

Basic Info

Name: Deep Space Outpost


Dimensions: 340 x 830 x 873 meters


v1.0 OPTing in Progress

Winter 2024/2025

Author Information

Original Design: Vince T

Model & Textures: Vince T

OPTing: Vince T



Dev notes & Origins

I originally designed this space station for my Blue Phantom Chronicles Storyline but, after having its prototype rotting away unused for 10+ years, I decided to put it to use and make it available as a general purpose model, no longer bound to the BPC universe. For that purpose I revisited the model and gave it a more Star Wars-like look, to fit the universe.

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